Work-At-Home for A Pass Educational Group

General Higher Education Assessment Writer
Qualifications are a Master’s degree or higher, item writing experience, and availability to write and respond to editorial requests about 2-5 hours per day. Ideal candidates will have knowledge of Bloom’s Taxonomy.

Instructional Designer
Qualifications are BA or MA (preferred) in instructional design, educational technology, or a related field; experience with systematic instructional design processes, such as ADDIE and iterative design; familiarity with Bloom’s Taxonomy and/or DOK; facility with crafting and correlating assessments to measurable learning objectives. Ideal candidates will have multimedia storyboarding and script-writing experience.

K-12 Science, Social Studies, Math, or ELA Associate
Qualifications are a degree related to the subject area, K-12 teaching experience, item writing experience, and availability to write and respond to editorial requests about 2-5 hours per day. Ideal candidates will have knowledge of DOK levels, Common Core, and/or NGSS

Artist- Illustrator and/or Layout Artist
Qualifications are ability and experience creating images, both technical and illustrative, based on verbal descriptions and/or rough go-by renderings; familiarity with and access to digital illustration and/or layout software including Adobe Illustrator. Ability to attend to detailed client specifications as well as meet aggressive deadlines are a must.