Sell your photos or clips online using Shutterstock.

How it works
1. Go to the website ( and create an account.
2. Start uploading content.

You can use your camera or a high end phone that is able to take high quality images.
Photos must be at least 4.0 mega pixels.

You must own or control the copyright to all content you submit to Shutterstock. This means that you cannot submit work obtained from other sources (e.g., online image search results or websites), or incorporate such work into your content submissions, unless you have permission to do so.

Public domain content cannot be submitted under any circumstances. If you do not have complete rights to the content, you may not submit it.

Content submissions intended for commercial licensing must not contain any copyrighted material, including artwork, other photos, sculptures, architecture, exhibits or audio which are copyrighted. Additionally, content submissions may not contain trademarks, service marks or other indication of origin, including logos, owned by third parties.
If submitted content contains copyrighted material and/or trademarks, you must submit releases from the copyright and/or trademark owners. Alternatively, where such content meets our editorial standards, you may submit the content for Editorial Use Only.
​You may not submit content created in a manner that violates human rights, including but not limited to activities such as debt bondage, forced labor, child slavery, or other oppressive practices.

Do not embed your own watermark, website name, or copyright notice in your content. We protect your content with our own watermark, which is applied when your content is accepted to our site.